![Bond Planning Task Force logo](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/6860/file/503216/9ebf75d5-66f4-4422-9d8b-165ac416bac2.png)
Victoria ISD reconvened an expanded Bond Planning Task Force on Monday, June 21st.
The Board of Trustees held a Bond Workshop during a Special Called Board Meeting on Monday, June 7, and guided the Administrative team to continue gathering public input to craft a plan that can be supported by the community and meet the needs of our students and staff.
Meetings will be held at the Dr. Robert Jaklich Conference Center from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 21; Wednesday, June 23; Monday, June 28; and Wednesday, June 30.
All meetings will be recorded.
Community Meetings
Victoria ISD hosted two community meetings with the reconvened Bond Planning Task Force to gather community feedback on the task force work that has occurred over four meetings held from June 21 thru June 30.
The two community meetings were held on Wednesday, July 21, at the Stroman Middle School cafeteria and Thursday, July 22, at the Shields Elementary cafeteria, both at 6 p.m.
Below is the presentation that was presented at both meetings.
![2021 Bond Community Meeting Dates](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/6860/file/456689/fefca652-f842-4bcd-8bca-25aa5c4a5508.png)
Monday, June 21, 2021
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Monday, June 28, 2021
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
The information below is from the Bond Planning Task Force efforts for the May 1, 2021, Bond Election.
The purpose of the Bond Planning Committee is to utilize a 10-year facility study and needs assessment data to analyze and recommend short, mid, and long-term bond and facility efforts.
Facilitators: Dr. Greg Bonewald, Frances Koch and Dr. Stanton Lawrence
Bond Planning Task Force Informational Videos
VISD Bond Planning Workshop
Campus Facilities Presentations
Victoria ISD is working in partnership with Huckabee Architects and our Bond Planning Task Force to evaluate the needs of our district facilities. A series of virtual presentations were held over the past couple of weeks to highlight the needs at each particular campus/facility. These needs were determined based on in-person assessments and by talking with each campus-based leadership team.
We want input from our VISD parents, staff, and community members that will help our Bond Planning Task Force prioritize those needs. Your thoughts and questions will be used by the Task Force members to continue their work toward drafting recommendations for the VISD Board of Trustees to consider.
Please take some time to share your voice in this process by reviewing the presentation videos, campus report documents, and sharing your opinions in the Thoughtexchange. Links to these for each facility assessed are provided below:
Aloe Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Mission Valley Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Vickers Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Dudley Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
FW Gross
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Hopkins Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
O'Connor ACE Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Chandler Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
DeLeon Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Rowland Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Liberty Campus
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Patti Welder Middle School
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Crain Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Shields Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Smith Elementary
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Howell Middle School
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Stroman Middle School
Presentation Video
Detailed Campus Assessment
Maintenance Facility
Presentation Video
Detailed Facility Assessment
Transportation Facilities
Presentation Video
Detailed Facility Assessment
Memorial Stadium
Presentation Video
Detailed Facility Assessment
Patti Welder Stadium
Presentation Video
Detailed Facility Assessment