VISD parents/guardians,
Today, the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office (VCSO) received information about a social media threat at a school. With the assistance of the Department of Public Safety, the investigation revealed no credible threat at any VISD campuses. The threat itself originated from outside our region and is being followed up on by law enforcement in that region.
It is the practice of the District and campuses to communicate immediately if we have a credible threat or disruption occurring at our schools. We will provide accurate information as quickly as possible. We do not, however, want to create panic in our community until we have substantiated the information as valid.
Please remember that establishing relevant facts and the truth takes time.
As always, we work diligently to discover, understand, and report facts to our community. While those results will never be produced as quickly as rumors or information from live events, our purpose is to be accurate with the information we provide our parents and community.
The safety of our students remains VISD’s highest priority. We ask our parents to have regular conversations with their children regarding behavior and actions on social media and the repercussions they could face by making or participating in threats in the school environment on social media. Let your child know that if they hear of a rumored threat, share the information with a trusted adult and not spread it among peers so that the proper investigation can begin.
Please remember, “if you SEE something, SAY something.”