The Victoria West Barbenders Powerlifting Team, consisting of Brodie Flores, Braden Merritt, Seth Neibrandt, and Noah Neibrandt, qualified for the Texas High School Powerlifting Association State Meet and competed on March 25, 2023, in Abilene, Texas.
The Barbenders placed 16th as a team.
Their individual results were:
Brodie Flores, Freshman
8th Place in 114 Weight Class; 915 lbs total
Noah Neibrandt, Sophomore
12th Place in 181 Weight Class; 1,460 lbs total
Seth Neibrandt, Senior
2nd Place in 220 Weight Class; 1,810 lbs total
Braden Merritt, Sophomore
8th Place in 275 Weight Class; 1,745 lbs total
Congratulations to the West Barbenders on a great season!