Chandler Elementary 4th-graders watch math come to life through a quilt.
Students in Cassie Bednarczyk’s 4th-grade classroom at Chandler Elementary School watched math come to life through a quilt.
While learning about perimeter and area, students used the Quilting Bee app on Gizmos to design their unique quilt block. Gizmos are interactive math and science simulations for grades 3-12 that help educators bring powerful new learning experiences to the classroom. Over spring break, Mrs. Bednarczyk sewed the blocks together into a 54 inch by 72-inch quilt. Students then were given questions about perimeter and area based on their individual block.
“We have used Gizmos during other science and math units, explained Mrs. Bednarczyk. “They love everything I have loaded and are always asking to get on the program.”
Her next challenge for her students is to design jungle animals for a jungle-themed quilt.