Victoria East High School graduates recognize past teachers who have made a lasting impact
during their educational careers and current East HS teachers.
The Top Ten Graduates for East HS have each selected one of their former K-12 teachers who worked with them in some capacity while in school that made a lasting impact in their life. The
Top Ten Graduates were recognized in March with the Victoria Independent School District
Board of Trustees Awards of Excellence for their academic standing and conduct.
This is the first year the East HS will recognize impactful teachers.
"The Titan Impact Award is about celebrating our teacher leaders who are making a measurable
impact on others and are making a positive lasting change,” said East HS Principal Justin
Gabrysch. “So often, teachers do not see the impact they have created in a student's life and
this is one way to recognize the value in being called a "Teacher."
Teachers being recognized with the Titan Impact Award are:
Mrs. Dana Havel, nominated by Julie Diebel. Mrs. Havel taught Diebel Algebra II in the 9th grade at VEHS.
Mrs. Amy Alexander, nominated by Kristen Balentine. Mrs. Alexander taught Balentine Principles of Information Technology in the 9th grade at VEHS.
Ms. Aubrey Bleier, nominated by Kinsey Faltysek. Ms. Bleier taught Faltysek Tennis in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades and AP Physics in 12th grade at VEHS.
Mrs. Aubrey Lopez, nominated by Seth Stines. Mrs. Lopez taught Stines Pre-AP Chemistry in 10th grade and AP Chemistry in 11th grade at VEHS.
Mr. Nick Fabbro, nominated by Grant McIntosh. Mr. Fabbro taught McIntosh Advanced Academic Skills in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades and AP U.S. History in 11th grade at VEHS.
Mrs. Debra Rhodes, nominated by Aliyah Davis. Mrs. Rhodes taught Davis Biology in the 9th grade at Liberty High School.
Mrs. Claire Klinkerman, nominated by Karina Flores. Mrs. Klinkerman taught Flores Math in the 7th grade and Algebra 1 in the 8th grade at Howell Middle School.
Mr. Phillip Welder, nominated by Kyle Yang. Mr. Welder taught Yang Band in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade at VEHS.
Mr. Richard Zurfluh, nominated by Allison Soester. Zurfluh taught Soester AP English Language in the 11th grade here at VEHS.
Mr. Bryan Winn, nominated by Justin Chung. Winn taught Chung AP Computer Science in the 12th grade here at VEHS.
East HS is continuing the tradition of the Golden Apple Awards. In its third year, the Golden Apple Awards is an award that is 100% student nominated. All students can participate by nominating a current East HS teacher for a category that suits them best. Teachers will be awarded their themed Golden Apple at the beginning of each class period throughout the day on Friday, May 14.
The following teachers were voted for the following categories:
Most inviting Classroom - Bret Brewster
Best Laugh - Angela Vangundy
Best Lessons - Coach Chaput
Most Memorable Teacher - John Davis
Most Spirit - Mike Smith
Best Mentor - Nick Fabbro
Most Caring - Troy Johnson
Best Dressed - Richard Zurfluh
Best Personality - Melody Balli
Most Likely to Prepare Me for College - Tammy Medlin
Most Sass - Racquelle Mostrom
Best Attendance - Stephanie Lambert
Best Smile - Kyle Craft
Most Friendly Teacher - Dan Pooley
MVT (Most Valuable Teacher) - Johnathan Sixtos
The following Golden Apple Awards are voted on by campus administration:
Rookie of the Year (new category) - Madison Flynn
Teacher of the Year - Amy Alexander, Principles of Applied Engineering/Principles of
Information Technology