In July, members from the VISD Maintenance Department conducted routine walk-throughs on campuses. On July 20, department members walked the main building of Stroman Middle School, where discolored ceiling tiles were noticed. Maintenance conducted an air quality test and samples were taken from the tiles that day. Air quality tests were negative for pollutants.
However, lab results taken from the discolored ceiling tiles indicated three types of molds. Immediate action was taken to remove staff from the building while awaiting a comprehensive assessment and plan for any required remediation. Farmer Environmental Group (FEG) has taken additional samples and pictures, with the final report detecting very high counts of Penicillium/ Aspergillus in the air. Fusarium, another Type I and III allergen and a potential opportunist or pathogen, was also at a level of concern.
FEG also conducted a mold assessment report for the Stroman campus, building A, including lab results, findings, and recommendations. The recommendation is to remediate all mold-damaged materials and clean all surfaces throughout the facility with an anti-microbial biocide. FEG also requested an asbestos analysis to rule out the need to include asbestos abatement in the mold remediation protocol options for the district to consider. The quantity of asbestos abatement required will be dependent upon the scope of work necessary to address the mold remediation.
At this time, the district is awaiting mold remediation/asbestos abatement protocol options for the district to consider. VISD does not currently have enough information to project an accurate time frame for when the Stroman campus will be operational. VISD is continuing to gather the information necessary to determine the best options for Stroman students and staff, Liberty students and staff, and the district.
For more information regarding the Stroman Middle School Environmental Update, please read the August 2021 and September 2021 Administration Reports available HERE.