The Victoria Independent School District’s Child Nutrition Services Department began offering free meals to all children ages 18 and under Monday, May 31, and will continue through Friday, July 29.
Breakfast will be served from 8-9 a.m. and lunch will be served from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at most sites. For a list of sites and times, you may call 211 or text FOOD to 304-304.
The Summer Food Program provides nutritious meals at no cost to all children at participating locations. There are no fees or proof of income required. To participate, just show up.
For the summer menu, please visit the Child Nutrition Services webpage on the district website and click on Menus & Analysis or call 361.788.9235, or go directly to the 2022 Summer Feeding Program at:
VISD schools participating in the summer meal program:
Chandler Elementary
Crain Elementary
Dudley Elementary
F.W. Gross Elementama gory
Hopkins Elementary
O’Connor ACE Elementary
Rowland Elementary (July)
Shields Elementary
Howell Middle School
Patti Welder STEM Program Camp
Victoria East High School (June)
Victoria West High School (limited days)
Our community partners are Faith Family, YMCA of the Golden Crescent, and the Boys & Girls Club.