free/reduced lunch and income survey

The Free/Reduced Meal Application and Income Survey will be available for all Victoria ISD families to complete on Friday, July 1. Parents/guardians can complete the application and/or survey by visiting THIS LINK

VISD receives funding from the state and federal governments to support the needs of low-income students, resulting in thousands of additional dollars in funding. Funding received allows for the district and campuses to implement after-school programs and create budgets to support students in additional learning opportunities.

Free/Reduced Meal Application

Students attending Victoria East and West High School should complete the Free/Reduced meal application. Even if your child chooses to bring their own lunch, or goes to a school where all students receive free lunch, completing the form is very important. It ensures that your child's campus gets all the funding and benefits available to support teachers and students.

Students can qualify for either a reduced rate or free meals. Reduced rates are $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch. If no application is submitted students do not qualify and will be charged regular meal rates. Breakfast will be $4.00 and lunch will be $5.00. 

Completing the Free/Reduced Meal Applications is extremely important to the District regarding federal discounts. The District currently qualifies for E-Rate funding, which provides schools and libraries affordable access to advanced telecommunications services. Failure for the District to have an accurate free/reduced number would result in a significant reduction in E-Rate funding. 

Qualifying for Free/Reduced meals can decrease/negate college application fees/many testing fees.

Family Income Survey

Students attending a school that is Community Eligible Program (CEP), which includes all VISD elementary, middle school, and credit recovery will need to fill out the Family Income Survey.  The Family Income Survey provides campuses with a way to collect household income information in order to receive state and federal funding that can be used towards learning assistance programs, teacher incentives, and more through Title funds. Title funds also help campuses qualify for grants to ensure qualifying students are accurately represented in subpopulations required by the state. By completing the Family Income Survey, parents can also qualify for reduced childcare, sports registrations, and more. 

A few things to know about the Free/Reduced Meal Application and Family Income Survey:

  •  Applications and surveys will be available online on Friday, July 1

  • Applications and surveys need to be dated July 1 or after

  • All students in the household must be listed on both the Free/Reduced Meal Application and the Family Income Survey

All applications submitted in July will be processed prior to Tuesday, August 9, so that qualifying students can receive free or reduced meals for the 2022-2023 school year.

Applications and surveys must be completed and processed by Friday, October 28 for state accountability.

To complete the Free/Reduced Meal Application and/or Family Income Survey, click HERE