As word has spread that a large crowd is expected for our Special Called Board Meeting on July 12, 2022, at noon, we wanted to take a moment and let the public know what to expect.
First, please note that our capacity in the Board Room will be limited to the maximum capacity of the seating area as determined by the Fire Marshal. We will provide a seat for all on a first-come basis, up to the limit determined by the Fire Marshal. Additionally, seating will be provided in the VISD Admin lobby (140 seats) serving for any overflow where members of the public will be allowed to follow the meeting through closed caption television or the Livestream on the VISD website.
Regarding the Public Comment section of the meeting, we want to remind our community of the process of signing up to make a comment. Outside the Board Room, a table with the appropriate signup forms will be available. All forms must be filled in, including address and contact phone number, as well as the agenda item to be addressed and turned in to Ashley Scott, executive director of communications and public relations, no later than 5 minutes before the start of the meeting. Please note that this is a Special Called Board Meeting and, in compliance with Policy BED (LOCAL), only items listed on the posted agenda may be commented on.
Additionally, if your comments involve a complaint regarding a district employee or student, the Board respectfully requests that you refrain from referring to individuals by name. Specific personnel issues should be taken up with the employee or the employee’s immediate supervisor in accord with policy (GF Legal & GF Local. And finally, the Public Comment time is not a back-and-forth discussion with the Board. Under Texas State Law, Board members may not discuss, deliberate, or take action on any matter not properly included in advance on the posted agenda for the meeting. As appropriate, District administrative staff will follow up with you regarding your statements or questions.
The amount of time each speaker has to address the Board will be determined once the total number of comments is received and will not be less than one minute. Please understand that any expressions that cause disruption or require additional time during the Public Comment section of the meeting may affect the total time for the remaining speakers.
Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for your willingness to address this Board directly.